#Orwell wrote b4 computers, but if he was writing today #BigBrother would just be an AI at the core of the #CCP's mass surveillance and social credit systems. You don't need Terminators when you control finance, travel, hiring, speech, and education.
Considering hiring someone? Promoting them? Admitting them to your university? Publishing their book or broadcasting their video or podcast?

First consult their Social Credit Score. Like #Gattaca, but the heuristic is ideological conformity, not desirable genetics.
You wouldn't need to cancel someone if you could pre-screen them before they ever became prominent. #JoeRogan and #JordanPeterson would never have existed. A previously devout party member has an awakening and becomes a dissident? Just erase them ex post facto.
Is this #Xi's long game? He recognizes that the survivability of the Inner Party depends on material advancement, but appreciates the paradox: rising living standards will ultimately doom the #CCP's monopoly on power.
So the only solution is to remove the creation and enforcement of party doctrine from pesky humans, with their self-doubts and philosophical innovations, and instead entrust the manufacture of Ideology to AI.
Another AI perpetually rewrites history (news, videos, books, movies, music) to retroactively enforce ideological conformity. Another recalculates social credit scores. Another monitors social stability broadly, with all systems endlessly recalibrating.
All with the goal of enshrining the dominance of the Inner Party and the descendants of the Long March. A billion people controlled by an ubiquitous AI committed to maintaining social order so as to maximize the position and security of the ruling elite. Cyber Confucius.
End state? You need permission to get married or have a baby, and only those with acceptable social credit scores are permitted to reproduce. You won't need concentration camps if your ideological enemies were never born.
It needn't even be openly coercive. Apply Kahneman and Tversky through behavioral nudges, subtly manipulating the undesirables to not date, not marry, not have sex. Just stay in their room, depressed but complacent.
Doesn't it feel like it's already happening? We always imagined the #AIApocalypse as The War Against the Machines. But that's how humans think. Our humanity won't end with a bang. But with an exhausted, bored whimper. Eternally entertained. Eternally enslaved.
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