Let's be more more clear about costs and benefits of a slightly slower FDA review.

First -- we must always keep in mind that the *primary* cause of delay for widespread vaccination is manufacturing and not regulations.

Our primary goal should be focusing on manufacturing (1/4) https://twitter.com/ModeledBehavior/status/1335206564077187072
So what is the cost of a two week EUA delay? This is about shifting when we distribute December's vaccines from start of the month to the end of month.

This will affect some mortality, but I've seen no evidence that it will impact *thousands* of deaths as has been claimed (2/4)
There is meaningful hesitancy about this vaccine.

It is not useful to equate this to people who think vaccines cause autism.

I am 100% on board with getting this vaccine the minute I can.

But I acknowledge we don't know as much about its safety as our existing vaccines (3/4)
So given widespread vaccination is about manufacturing and unaffected by the EUA -- how much of an increase in comfort in the *40 percent* of the population concerned about the safety of *this vaccine*would we need to make the 2 week delay worth it? Probably not much (4/4)
I'd also note we should be working with psychology experts about how best to improve acceptance of this vaccine

But, we should worry about external validity of existing studies about vaccine acceptance given perceived politicization of process in our fraught partisan times (5/5)
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