This whole argument that the minister said he got the vaccine because he didn't know, and it's just a miscommunication and not evidence of a protocol breach, seems very problematic to me.
If the minister was in the trial, he would have signed an informed consent form? He would have to read it and understand it? This is absolutely crucial.
If he says he got the vaccine, it either means they rushed him through the IC process (a huge breach of protocol), or that the people who told him were unblinded (again a breach of protocol)
This is not just some minor communication issue where the health ministry misunderstood, or the minister misunderstood, and they mistakenly told the media he got the vaccine.
Let's not pretend like all protocols are being followed to the T, and it's just a minister shooting his mouth off. The minister shooting his mouth off is *evidence* of bigger problems.
And if Bharat Biotech doesn't find it necessary to correct the health ministry/minister, I wonder how seriously they take their own trial.
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