Interesting assessment of the loss suffered by Rep. TJ Cox in California, who just conceded, behind by around 1,500 votes. He kept promising to eventually sign on to Medicare for All but never did so, and it cost him activist energy.
Cox won in 2018 on a surge of activist energy by fewer than 1,000 votes.

Other Dems who flipped similar CA districts -- like @MikeLevin, @JoshHarder, @katieporteroc -- leaned into that energy and improved their margins, winning re-election.

Harder was even at the unveiling
Harder went from a 10,000 vote margin to a 30,000 vote margin
Actually Levin did not improve on his 2018 margin, when he blew out the substitute Republicans ran when Darrell Issa resigned, though he still won comfortably in 2020 (by 6 points)

Porter went from a razor-thin margin to a 7-point win
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