President Donald John Trump & America's Defenders vs. a UNIPARTY that pretended to be 2 distinct Parties to GAME us as well as the Legacy Media & the Silicon Valley Oligarchs.
The STEAL we just witnessed had GOP ASSISTANCE & right now that Civil War isn't just Right vs Left, it's also Patriotic Americans (who can be Right OR Left) vs ESTABLISHMENT Republicans who want Trump GONE & us back to sleep.
That's why you're seeing infighting right now.
The ability to manipulate the #'s of key Congressional & Senate Races would have been an irresistible Siren Call to any DC Denizen regardless of their Party affiliation.
Everyone involved in running for Office in DC knew about DOMINION & SMARTMATIC, don't even kid yourself.
Congress held Hearings as well as State Legislators for YEARS & Senators "asked questions" regarding the security & reliability of using these software & electronic tabulating systems=YET NOTHING WAS DONE.
That tells me everything I need to know.
I assure you Trump knew all this
This isn't MINORITY REPORT & he's not a King.
He warned about digital tabulation & Mail In Voting long before November but couldn't prevent those Lunatics on the Left from "GOING FOR IT!"
So he PREPARED to catch them COLD after Nov. 3rd if they cheated either via the usual methods (Harvesting & "Stuffing" Ballots, etc) but also I suspect he had US Cyber Command monitoring the ELECTRONIC/DIGITAL Election Systems as well.
& they RECORDED #TheSTEAL in Real Time.
I'm sure they were blown away by the Democrat's sheer hubris at the scale of what unfolded that night.
But since they couldn't ACT until the crime had been committed they now have MOUNTAINS of evidence to work with.
Yes, I know all the State Courts are tossing the Lawsuits...
I pointed out in an earlier Thread all those suits are tossed by corrupt Judges BEFORE those bringing the suits can submit their ROCK SOLID EVIDENCE.
This won't happen in Federal Court (most likely) or with SCOTUS.
Trump's covered his Bases.
On Thursday in Georgia the Hearing before the State Legislators BLEW UP once & for all the FALSE NARRATIVE that there was no "meaningful" voter or election fraud that could have flipped the State (back) to Trump.
The Suitcase Video KILLED that Narrative dead.
WHAT ELSE will drop?
The Legacy Media has been hard at work trying to debunk the RED Tsunami of evidence that is still being gathered.
They do it by simply SAYING or stamping the word FALSE on every allegation & then moving on.
"Hey! The people who CHEATED said they didn't cheat so, DEBUNKED!"
Make no mistake, GOP in Georgia were COMPLICIT in THE STEAL & that's why we're seeing Republican infighting right now. @LLinWood & @SidneyPowell1 ARE PISSED!
I don't KNOW the details, but I can guess as they DEMAND 2 Key Senators denounce & decry THE STEAL publicly.
The Democrats cheated like MOTHER HUMPIN' BANDITS on Nov. 3rd.
**SOMETHING** happened in Frankfurt, Germany on Nov. 9th. & a Server claimed to have been used to tabulate the US Election ILLEGALLY went offline that night.
On Nov. 12th @realDonaldTrump tweeted THIS=
This is a DEVASTATING BLOW to *EVERYONE* involved in the Election Fraud.
Because it's a TELL (like in Poker) that Trump HAS THE REAL NUMBERS from Election Night.
Remind me, when DID Schiff & Co. go Radio Silent?
Of course the MSM immediately stamped FALSE on that Tweet & hurriedly moved on.
Guess when the REAL GOP infighting began?
& the calls for "certain people" to openly BEFORE CAMERAS decry THE STEAL?
Certain Establishment GOP are going to be forever ESTRANGED...
My Theory is the GOP Senators from Georgia are Eyeballs deep in the Georgia State Election shenanigans to DUMP TRUMP.
So right now #StopTheSteaI2020 is trying to LEVERAGE them back into Loyalty to the Leader of their PARTY.
I can only imagine the UGLINESS behind the scenes.
President Trump's Agenda for America DIES with the loss of GOP control over the Senate.
We NEED the Senate to keep Trump from being a LAME DUCK Second Term President.
He could hold Rallies every day as we cheer but the SIGNIFICANT CHANGES he wants to make would never happen.
Because the Democrat controlled House & Senate would Slam the Door on him every time.
So, to sum up, IF <----Big IF! I am correct MAGA is trying to corral 2 "Rogue" Senators that Trump is going to ASK GEORGIANS TO VOTE FOR IN JANUARY.
As Establishment GOP howl "STOP!"
Establishment GOP was USING President Trump to gain control of the Senate & desire the House too.
But the demands of Wood & Powell are angering them.
Notice the same GOP who were AWOL after Nov. 3rd are now popping up to BLAST Wood & Powell.
As Our Republic was in CRISIS.
The ATTACK on our Electoral System, the very HEART of our Nation being the Vote of every American WASN'T ENOUGH for them to speak out.
In fact several immediately ACCEPTED "President Elect" Biden & urged us to "heal & move on" as well.
The rest?
But when #StopTheSteal2020 makes demands of 2 GOP Senators & their CONTROL of the Senate is imperiled they SHREIK LIKE BANSHEES.
Self interested PRICKS, like always.
Republic's on FIRE & they're AWOL, jab their EGO & they're all over it.
I have complete confidence in President Trump.
He's going to ASK Georgians to vote for Loeffler & Purdue to keep the ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL Senate Majority he needs to complete his AMERICA FIRST Agenda & by January 5th I expect this crisis to be resolved.
Because I have FAITH.
President Trump won BIGLY on Nov. 3rd.
He's going to keep Senate control & will be sworn in for a 2nd GLORIOUS TERM on January 20th.
My only ? is does he want THE HOUSE TOO?
Because before the Democrats CHEAT began it's clear the GOP was in position to dominate that too.
SCOTUS will be key in throwing out all the tainted & illegal Ballots that will give Trump that 2nd Term, but the breakdown of the ACTUAL #'S before DOMINION & SMARTMATIC went to work should give the GOP the House as well.
Can that be established before SCOTUS?
I don't know.
Since we're talking Trump, he may amaze us with an as of yet unforeseen pathway to claim the House for the GOP.
We can all FEEL the pressure building now that the Tide has turned against the Liars & Deceivers in DC.
And it's only going to get much, MUCH WORSE.
With every gaslighting Narrative that craters, the Little Tin Gods in the Legacy Media grow shriller & more manic.
& Social Media?
When I began this Thread #StopTheSteal2020 was trending.
Now it's been replaced with #StopTheSteel2020
This is what they're reduced to=WORD GAMES.
Again, notice the Democrats AND (most) GOP are & were DEAD SILENT on THE STEAL.
Do I really need to draw you a MAP?
DC Democrats have abandoned the Field.
The only ones left fighting to defend THE STEAL are the MSM & Social Media Giants.
Ever see a Dam burst or a Levee break?
Mother Nature=Natural Law.
In Human Affairs when self correction isn't possible then the Community/Nation does it for those failing or harming it.
No it won't be a bloodbath.
We're not like that.
But it will be HARSH & deservedly so.
For now we must content ourselves with the knowledge highly capable & committed Patriots are waging this Battle in our Name & for our future with ZERO intentions of failing.
Does President Trump seem worried?
20 Days to Christmas Joy.
I'm focusing on that as I bide.
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