Top 5 things I learned in the past 90 days from flipping.

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1. There is a buyer for everything

You can sell anything and everything. There is truly someone out there looking for what you are selling. This is a numbers game. Learn to play it.
2. Treat your account as a business

Run any of the accounts on any platform you use as a business. Treat it as such and put the customer first. Your reputation is everything and helps sell products.
3. It's OK to break even

For certain platforms like eBay, it is ok to sell something to break even. The rating and activity on your account can pay far more down the road and be beneficial to your accounts performance.
4. Ship fast

I have already given this tip but this is crucial. Customers want their items fast and it's a reason why online business can be successful. They want it fast and in the condition they purchased it in. Same day or 1 day.
5. Learn shipping hacks

Learn how to ship and know your costs before you sell. There are items that don't seem profitable but are because of the savings on shipping.

A technique called priority cubic is the key to this. Learn it and use it.
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