As a Latina, indigenous (Taino ancestry) special needs woman. please do not get anywhere NEAR us. You are a lying, manipulative, hypocrite, racist, sexist, and horrible human being. Both of you. You both are way worst than what you say about Star. Pt.1
You both lie, make false accusations, spread false information, bully, harass, tell her to kill herself, send death threats, r*pe threats, doxx her, and so on. And you guys think you are heroes? Nah bruh, you all are extremely deranged savages. I'm sorry but it's true. Pt.2
If this is how white liberals or just white people in general to do other white people or just people in general (POC, LGBT, minorities, etc) that think/act/view differently than you then I don't want to get near any of you. Pt.3
You ain't even POC or speak for us so what the hell are you two doing? If you want to actually fight racism, and ableism then stop acting as such, and actually fight actual racism, and ableism instead of fighting over hair! PEOPLE ARE DYING FOR PEKE SAKE! Pt.4
Being a VERY horrible person doesn't make you a hero, it makes you a monster. And your whites are just doing this for woke pokes, and to feel like you all did something instead of fighting actual racism, and so on. People like this make me sick, and I would not get near them Pt.5
I honestly don't understand why people can't just be kind, loving, tolerant, accepting, and supporting of each other. It's really not that hard, and even if you disagree on something you still gotta be nice. God said to love your enemy, love your neighbor- Pt.6
To love, even if you don't agree with them. Everyone has different beliefs, views, opinions, backgrounds, skin colors, sexuality, etc No one should be attacking anyone for anything. And no one should be an attack over a video game either. Pt.7
The animal crossing community is just.......horrible to say the least.

@FIFIISRACIST, and @DYLANlSEXlST has a lot of good information about these two so I suggest going and check them out. That's all I've got to say. Pt.8
Not sure if I should delete this or not, but for now just read this, and think about what I said. Leave @stardewleaf, leave people like @babysunflora, @unvarnishedvoid, @call_me_senpai, and everyone else alone. And focus on actual problems at hand. This needs to stop Now! Pt.9
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