1) From another platform: I am a GP and am utterly dismayed by the handling of the Covid response by the Government and the sacred cow we call the NHS.

Currently CCGs up and down the country are scrambling to get the vaccination program rolled out.
2) NHSE have published the service specification for Primary Care Networks (groups of GP practices) to deliver the vaccines. As this “Enhanced Service” arrangement is voluntary, and it is fraught with difficulty, our PCN has decided not to sign up.
3) Trafford CCG is putting significant pressure on the individual practices within the network to sign up to deliver the service. If the Practices do not sign up then the responsibility for commissioning a service goes back to the CCG.
4) They have no contingency plan in place (in no small part because of a lack of guidance from NHSE to the CCG’s). This is unsurprising and entirely predictable. Despite all the boasting about being the first country to grant temporary authorisation for the Pfizer BioNTech
5) vaccine they have no idea how they are going to deliver it.

Is it also worth noting that it is only temporary authorisation that has been granted – the vaccine does not yet have marketing authorisation in the UK. This effectively means it is “unlicensed” and as such the
6) prescriber has a duty to explain this to the patient. In usual practice this means that the liability in case of adverse effects lies with the prescriber, not with the pharmaceutical company.

An additional concern I have is that the service specification states that GPs are
7) not to record the vaccination on the patient’s GP electronic clinical record system. Instead it is to be recorded on “Pinnacle”, a system used by pharmacists.
8) I have had a quick dig in to 'Pinnacle' and here in the following links are my initial findings. This requires further investigation...
Pinnacle https://phpartnership.com/about  has recently been taken over by 'EMIS' Group. https://emishealth.com/about-us/our-story/
10) THIS IS SCARY AS S*** Read this, the plans for us and NHS between now and 2030,'We’ll see widespread adoption of genomics, proteomics, lifestyle data collection and PSYCHOLOGICAL DATA COLLECTION. Intelligent algorithms will be used to enable truly personalised healthcare and
12) When were we consulted about this? 'In his latest blog for the NHS Confederation website, our CMO Dr Shaun O’Hanlon considers how we can keep these gains into the future.
He highlights the huge opportunity to build on THE GOVT'S RELAXATION OF DATA SHARING & ACCESS RULES'
13) http://www.egton.net/ 

'NHS 5 YEAR FORWARD VIEW' First Published in 2014

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