These are the reasons the @BACP gave have for rejecting the resolution asking for members to be able to have a democratic vote for #SCoPEd.

Heather - “We understand it is of great importance, we've worked hard to ensure members are engaged and listened to and we do this as an 1/
ongoing process. The framework remains in its draft format but we are committed to engage in the development of any final version. Rejected for two reasons. Firstly, 50% (of members voting) could not realistically be achieved and secondly because BACP supports the 2/
project...." also but not a direct quote as was talking fast.... they couldn't commit to impartiality requested within resolution because this would involve not communicating with members and they wouldn't be able to present argument in support of framework and bacp didn't 3/
feel (resolution) this was a fair and democratic process. They'll continue to engage and seek to demonstrate and confirm there is clear member support for SCoPEd.

Mari - “The board are very supportive of SCoPEd and rightly so.”

Fiona - I've spoken about this and I think it 4/
was tricky decision. It was asking for it in a way of going about it that wasn't achievable.

Claire - We know that a yes no type vote would be unlikely to achieve over 50% engagement and it wouldn't be possible for us to assess if that vote was representative of members at 5/
all..... and she explained that they've had 15% of members taking part in questionnaires and they feel this reflects the views of the majority of members because of how they carry out the questionnaires. You’ll have to listen to recording for full explanation.
Natalie - wanted to pick up on impartiality, she felt the resolution was asking them not to communicate with members which they couldn't do.

P.S. to clarify we only asked them not to communicate with members during the the actual voting period (whilst votes were being cast). 7/7
I meant to say the reasons BACP have given. (Dyslexia!)
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