Let’s talk about how to begin to leverage fear...

Have some big moves in your professional or personal life that you want to do, but cause your heart to race?

Here’s a weekend thread on where to start and flip the switch. 1/
First, realize that fear is your *interpretation* of biological responses that you are experiencing

...increased breathing, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, pupil dilation, sweating…. 2/
This experience is all happening because your amygdala has interpreted something you’ve experienced, seen, etc..as a threat.

But we evolve slowly as humans - we can even interpret scary movies as “threats.” It's why they can get our hearts pumping... it's not 100% accurate. 3/
Fear can be legitimate...

But most don’t realize it can also be an automatic chain that can be tripped off in a more modern world...even for situations that don’t require that biological response. 4/
Sometimes we get used to certain sensations representing *fear* and so interpret them as “us being fearful.”

But think about it.

The increased heart rate, breathing, sweating….. Those sensations aren’t unique to fear. 5/
All of those physiological responses you are having also have to be interpreted…

...so if you continue to link them to fear, you’ll continue to sit in and stay stuck in the fear. 6/
This is the first step in how you leverage fear...

...the recognition that those physiological responses *could* come with other emotions too.

Like Excitement, Anticipation, Thrill, etc.. 7/
Remember the last time you rode a roller coaster and had a blast?

Or the last time you had a girlfriend or boyfriend you were *totally* into?

Increased heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, pupil dilation.. 8/
Notice your body did the same things from excitement and thrill...as fear...

It’s a biological response...but those things above weren’t scary, they were filled with excitement.

It was all about your interpretation. 9/
So the next time you are experiencing those physiological responses in your body...start to leverage it.

Instead of telling yourself that you are afraid…start reminding yourself that you’re excited. This is the first step. 10/
Don’t allow yourself to fall into autopilot in interpreting those sensations…leverage your fear, and dive in.

Flip your switch. 11/
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