250,000+ Americans are dead. Zero shame, zero remorse, nothing. Just an indoor maskless party in defiance of regulations, because nothing matters.
"Established in 1911, a legacy from 1856. The New York Young Republican Club is the oldest & largest Young #Republican club in the nation."
this is a party that has abandoned any pretense of "conserving" anything and now stands more or less for unrestrained deviance and decadence
this is the standard explanation but I actually think it is over-emphasized https://twitter.com/koaleszenz/status/1335285671125118977
this was published in March and its still worth a read. It is about a theological justification of epicurean behavior during the 1918 pandemic

"Reno calls this Christianity, but it is more accurately described as American libertarianism raised up into a theological first principle."
"any effort to think in communal terms, to use state power to mitigate mass suffering, or protect our fellow human beings from harm, is "specious moralism," an unacceptable, satanic imposition on the rightful order of things"
Now pause for a second and realize that you are reading the term "specious moralism" in a Christian theological journal. Specious moralism.
I think that this gives a flavor of the magnitudes of changes in conservatism in the US (and maybe in the UK, as mutuals tell me)
"Own the libs" is certainly a big part but I think it also underplays the extent to which the GOP has become dominated by anti-system politics and a rejection of even the pretense of older conservative ideas about communitarian morality
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