Definitely. NUREMBERG, the true ''globalization'' of international jurisprudence - conceptually and practically - and the concomitant extrication of the very concept of AUTHORITY from territorial imperatives absolutely owes to values intrinsic to the Westphalian ORDER. However...
there is a reason why both Neo-Realists such as Univ of Chicago's own John Mearsheimer as well as ''Traditional'' REALISTS such as Hans Morgenthau privilege Schmitt's discussion of Westphalia in their conceptual analyses of HIGH Politics: Intrinsic to the WESTPHALIAN order was...
an assumption - a conceptual BIAS even perhaps - towards assigning permanence to the NATION-State as not merely the primary subject and the unchallenged prime mover/highest ACTOR within the modern strategic landscape - but ALSO of the State as a fundamentally psychological...
STRUCTURE, by which the need of people availed to Sovereign political authority require a concrete instantiation TO which they offer fealty and loyalty as well as those situated outside of its parameters can only be said to perceive, acknowledge, recognize their own status...
in relation therein by similar recourse. Thus, there is a PRACTICAL - as well as theoretical and existential - aspect to the Westphalian System that in FACT privileged the perennial status of the NATION-State as THE primary subject of International Law. The precedent for this...
of course long precedes Carl Schmitt's own lifetime - in EXISTENIAL terms it is difficult if not impossible to conceptualize Hobbes-ian modes of sovereign authority in the absence of the modern STATE structure. To say nothing of the fact that Machiavelli's unqualified praise...
of FERDINAND as a Sovereign who embodied NOT merely the distilled essence of EXECUTIVE power (in form as well as function) within the MODERN strategic landscape but whose authority therein was restricted to the firmest and non-negotiable territorial parameters - a situation...
that reflected a RADICAL breach with pre-modern precedent as regards the authority of the Sovereign within his Realm - the latter being (by definition fluid) while the former imposed purposeful limitations upon the mandate enjoyed by ANY chief of state by fixing such power...
in absolute terms to the NATIONAL-State.
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