I'm very anti-CRT, but this line of reasoning is going hurt the anti-CRT side in the long run because it's a weak argument based on an embarrassing misunderstanding of the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture (SOS below)... Thread. https://twitter.com/cuatronelson/status/1334877450036187138
The word "sufficient" means *nothing* else is required.

In a way, "the sufficiency of Scripture" is a rewording of "Sola Scriptura" (Scripture alone).

But the confessions acknowledge that general revelation is also valuable & authoritative, so what is Sola about Scripture? ..
Sola Scriptura was always meant to affirm that Scripture is the only *special* (or verbal) revelation––not that it is the only revelation, per se.

It was meant to rule out other special rev. competitors, like the papacy, etc..., not to rule out general rev...
Therefore, when someone claims to have an insight from general rev., if we respond in criticism with "Sola Scriptura" or "Sufficiency of Scripture," then we are betraying that we think––contrary to history––that SOS is meant to rule our general revelation.

This is wrong.

Not only is it wrong, but it's also naive and embarrassing.

It allows advocates of CRT to mock our obviously a-histrocial understanding those doctrines, and continue on their merry way.

This also makes the argument dangerous & irresponsible...
When you use a weak or foolish argument to defend what is true, you cause people to move away from that truth, toward the lies.

In many ways, the widespread acceptance of CRT in the Church is the fault of our own incompetence as those who oppose it with foolish arguments...
If SOS isn't the answer, then what is?

Easy: Just demonstrate the absurd irrationality of their claims.

Just because someone claims they got something from gen. rev. (as CRT advocates do), doesn't mean it's automatically true.

Test it. It won't stand for a second.

They say that the police are hunting black people.
That's either true or false.
And given the evidence, it's obviously false.

They say that all whites are privileged.
Again, obviously false.

In fact, you'll begin to notice a pattern...
The pattern is that what they *claim* to be getting from gen. rev. are a bunch of things which very obviously contradict gen. rev.

Men can have babies.
America is presently systemically racist against minorities.

They are all obviously anti-reality claims...
It's not hard to demonstrate how anti-reality, anti-truth, and therefore anti-God, these ideologies are.

There's no need to fall back on the foolish misunderstanding of SOS.

Just point out the obvious truth and call Christians to be people of the truth.

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