Look, we Democrats can debate messaging and policy all we want but here’s a list of states for you: Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Montana, Missouri, Oklahoma. Out of the 20 Senators in these 10 middle America states, 1 of them is a Democrat.
That’s 20% of the Senate where Dems have virtually no votes. Dem Senators have won in some of these states in the recent past but to do so, they have to win over Republican voters. Why? Because there simply aren’t enough Democrats living in these places.
5 of these states are among the 10 least populated states in the country. Small population changes would make a big difference in elections in these places. Before the pandemic, 40% of the U.S. workforce worked remotely at least some of the time. Again, that was *before* COVID.
Democrats are letting Republicans have middle America and 19 of those 20 Senate seats, not because they don’t have clever enough messaging, but because we’re literally not there. Of course we need to continue to work on persuading the people who are there but...
...a faster solution would be for Democrats just to move! We need a new liberal movement that’s literal. See here
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