❇️26%⬇️ in primary outcome of 1st HHF/CV death
❇️14% ⬇️ in CV death
❇️13% ⬇️ in all cause death
❇️Beneficial effects irrespective of diabetes status, use of ARNI or baseline renal function
❇️Benefits seen across spectrum of age, gender, BMI, history of #heartfailure
❇️Greater benefits seen in
💥NYHA Class 2 patients
💥Asian and Africa-Caribbean ethnicity
💥Intriguing fining of lower benefits seen in Europe compared to Americas or Asia (?chance effect)
Conclusion slide by @FaiezZANNAD talk on Meta-analysis of SGLT2I (Dapagliflozin and Empagliflozin) in HFrEF
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