Okay #trans allies - what are you going to do to help us? Actual, concrete actions? What will you do:
- today?
- over the course of a week?
- before the end of the year?
- throughout 2021?
I want to hear about it - and I want you to spread the word to other cis people.
3. @Genderintell, to get help to the young trans people under attack right now.

4. Educate yourself about #trans lives so that you can confidently spread that knowledge amongst your cis networks. Buy a trans-authored book today, read it cover to cover, then PASS IT ON TO A CIS FRIEND. Is there a trans resource you love? Give it to ALL your cis friends.
5. Send an email to your MP via They Work For You:


It doesn't have to be fancy/long/full of facts and figures. Just who you are, that you care about trans people, that you're worried about transphobia, and what are they doing to make things better?
5b: Write them a follow-up email when they get back to you, either thanking them for their support, or letting them know that they've lost YOUR support.
6. Normalise sharing material on social media BY trans people - material that will inform and engage.

Dunking on transphobes is the opposite of this. Please stop doing that. PLEASE.
7. Are you a parent? What is your your child's school's policy on trans/gender non-conforming/LGBT pupils? Do they even have one? Could it be better? Ask them about it, and follow through. Let them know that it matters to you that all children can learn in a safe, supportive way.
8. Are you religious? How trans inclusive/positive is your place of worship? Your faith in general? Can you raise it as a concern? There are many, MANY LGBT groups (with allied members) within different faiths, working on inclusion and celebration. Why not support one?
10. In education? One of the best things you can do is to model a supportive environment for all students, that doesn't make gendered assumptions, and doesn't support gendered stereotypes and bullying. Be proactive in demonstrating that you support trans people.
10b. You may say 'but I don't have any trans students!' - trust me, you do. That's why you proactively create an inclusive, supportive, friendly learning environment - so that those students, whether young or old, have a safe space, whether they come out to you or not.
11. Coming back to social media: when you share trans-written material, and you get pushback from other cis people? That's your chance to do the work that trans people can't. Remember: you don't win an argument in the moment - but you can plant a seed of questioning/new knowledge
11b. Don't just block and dismiss people because it makes you feel righteous (although blocking obvious trolls is just good internet hygiene). Calling someone a TERF is completely counter-productive (and are they even a radical feminist? unlikely).
11c. And put some time and effort in researching the best ways to educate and changing minds. So many of the ways we regularly interact with others online only makes them double-down on their bigoted views. It is always worth taking 30 minutes to find better ways to communicate.
12. Final step: embed these or similar practices into your daily life. Supporting #trans people - supporting any people - isn't a one-off thing we do to feel good, but a life habit. Even putting a reminder in your diary can help. This is a marathon, not a race - and we need you.
You can follow @cnlester.
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