Why so many more such jobs in defence than hospitals (almost none) and healthcare generally...? https://twitter.com/stevenshorrock/status/1335194195716399107
Here are a few possible reasons:
1. The job title just doesn’t exist in the NHS
The title “ergonomist” or “human factors specialist” are not here in the list and return no search results on the site

This is different to other safety critical industries.
4. A belief that improving system performance and human wellbeing (the twin aims of HF/E) don’t need specialist support, just clinical expertise (which is important but usually not sufficient for design).
6. Having only part-time support from those who are trained. An organisation of 1.4 million staff needs more than the odd hour here and there from people who are trained in HF/E but have full time clinical roles. More release time needed to make good progress, plus F/T roles.
7. Almost total lack of HF/E staff in the various NHS bodies and regulators, especially at senior level. A former Director of Safety at NATS (air traffic control) was an HF specialist. Head of Health and Safety at RSSB is an HF specialist.
8. The “law of fluency”, meaning that staff workaround degraded and degrading (including poorly designed and implemented) systems with a fluency that belies the real state of the system and need for specialist support.
9. Short supply of HF/E specialists, meaning that other safety-critical industries get them first (and with good pay and conditions). Probably not a major factor as demand from NHS would result in more courses, but there would be a lag.
10. No regulatory or other requirement for hospitals and other NHS Trusts to integrate SQE HF application into design and safety management, again making healthcare out from pretty much every other safety critical industry. Applies to medical devices only, AFAIK.
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