it’s so weird to me when people say jc and lwj are different when, in fact, they are pretty much similar.
if you think about it, they mirror each other in many things. they’re like paintings with the same motif but in different styles. if jc is vision after the sermon by paul gauguin, then lwj is jacob wrestling with the angel by rembrandt, you know?
the artists decided to focus on different things, but the core is the same. lwj and jc are basically like that. they’re very different and very similar at the same time.
oh fuck, i want to make a useless thread no one’s asked for.
to start simple, they’re the youngest siblings. they’re both the second best. lwj’s quite literally called the second jade of lan? it could be an implication that he’s just a second child, but it always felt like it’s not just that.
come to think of it, it's only natural for lxc to be the best at everything he does, he’s a sect leader, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt in a way. lwj’s also the second in that infamous stupid ass list. he maybe has found peace with it. or maybe not.
i wish it was explored more, but mxtx decided that all we need to know about lwj is how pretty he is and how in love with wwx he is.
im also sure lwj was constantly compared to his brother about his behaviour. "why you don’t smile like your brother? you’re so cold and you’re brother is so warm, you should be more like him. be more open" and all this shit that accompanies people with inexpressive faces.
how many people considered lwj arrogant, full of himself asshole? i don’t think it was only su she. it’s easy to misinterpret and misunderstand his behaviour. his communication skills are lacking, he has hard time expressing himself.
but i like that lwj does nothing about it and lets people think what they want to think. jc is exactly the same? jc is just "yeah, people think im heartless asshole who’s killed his shixong and then proceeded killing other people left and right, zero fucks given."
the funny similarity between them is that is that they hate losing. i think this is one of the reasons why it’s easier for them to be petty and passive-aggressive than openly confront each other. if they wanted to do so, there would be two ways: verbal fight or physical fight.
none of these works for them because jc wouldn’t engage in a fight without being completely sure he could win. lwj, on the other hand, wouldn’t engage in a verbal fight, knowing fully well jc’s sharp tongue is one of the strongest qualities of his.
they literally don’t know how to defeat each other. therefore, they act the way they act. it will never stop being funny to me.
one of the things that i find interesting is their attitude towards demonic cultivation. at first their, their roles were sort of reversed, and i think it was mxtx’s deliberate decision.
lwj: demonic cultivation bad
jc: demonic cultivation good as long as it kills wens
lwj: 😡

jc: demonic cultivation bad
lwj: demonic cultivation good as long as it’s wwx
jc: 😡

me: ah, my hypocritical boys 🥰
they are so hilarious. they said
but the most similar thing about them is their devotion, their endless loyalty. throughout the novel they were driven by it, and they ended up in the similar situations, and i think we don’t talk about it enough. it’s been driving me insane ever since i’ve read the novel.
me: *looks at lwj ready to kill his seniors when they wanted to take the most important thing from him*
me: *looks at jc ready to kill his shixiong after he took the most important thing from him*
me: well, fuck.
i know for some it’s incomparable because lwj wasn’t as emotionally attached to his seniors as jc was to his shixiong, but nevertheless, lwj went against his people, jc went against his shixiong.
they’re willing to do whatever it takes for the people they love. the only difference is for jc it’s his family, for lwj it’s his lover.
also, no matter how much i hate lwj's behavior in the temple and during the core reveal, and no matter how much i love jc, i know for sure that he would’ve done the same.
jc would’ve given zero fucks about person’s reasons if he’d been convinced they had hurt his loved ones. he would’ve gone absolute apeshit if it had been revealed that his loved one had spent two days with their chest cut open while conscious.
they just need to talk and they would understand each other perfectly. but they don’t want to listen to one another because they’re two stubborn fucks for whom exist only two opinions: their own and the wrong one.
honestly, i could say so much more. they prefer peace and silence, they feel so much but show so little, they’re devoted to study and rules, they react to wwx's shit very similar, they judge everyone silently and etc etc etc
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