Mumbai Mirror is one of the cruelest casualties of 2020. As a journalist, it was the paper that I looked forward to and dreaded the most because of the stories they broke (and in turn, the explanations I'd have to give my editor for missing the scoop).
Sharing some of my favourite Mirror features, that I hope will be preserved by the Times group for their seminal writing.
Countless zingers courtesy Dr Mahinder Watsa, Mirror's 'Sexpert'. My favourite response to a man who accidentally took an i-pill instead of his girlfriend - 'Next time please use a condom & make sure you don't swallow that too'.
Avirook Sen's reporting on Aarushi Talwar's death, a case that's still more questions than answers 
Here's hoping Mirror's legacy of quality reporting & writing carries on to their weekly edition. For now, here's to celebrating what was an institution.
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