The spitting intolerance for any mental diversity is the mark of Woke. It is virulent, censorious and self-righteous Dickens would himself would find it hard to believe. For all its talk of justice, freedom and purity of intent it is the pole opposite of all these things. Woke is
ideological. The Woke are asleep. Thoughts are controlled by the ideology commanding how they think inculcating the behaviour of the chosen righteous ones. Cut off from reason and intervention of their minds, something inhuman controls their thinking. Any disagreement with
Woke prescriptions, views on history, science and culture even in the smallest detail is considered immoral to the point of justifying brutal action to silence and eliminate diversity of thought. Disagreement is loathed. The Woke are asleep. Their strange inhuman robotic nature
produces a cruel and perverse innocence. They are victims of their own desperate need for security, social standing and the inadequacy that goes an unholy mixture of greed and insecurity. But I think hence I am is still there. These wretched people will die fighting to be slaves.
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