A comprehensive thread on teams' attack and defense. Its early days so the data could still be fluctuating.
Here you can see the goals scored (blue) along with the goals they were expected to score (orange).
-ATKMB need to create more, cannot always rely on Krishna
- EB desperately need a striker. Its only been 2 games but its a glaring hole
- CFC, OFC and Hyd need to be more clinical. All are dropping vital points
- Goa, Mumbai, JFC finishing well
- Goa and Kerala need to create more.
- NorthEast riding high on the xG from penalties, but will need more from open play.
Here we can see xG Against (expected goals to be conceded) in orange, and goals conceded in blue. What this tells us is how porous a team is, and how well they save shots
- OFC, JFC, Goa, KBFC forerunners in xG Against. Have to plug their defensive holes.
- Kaith, GSS, Arindam and Amrinder doing very well (more over here at @SgtSaltnPeppa's site https://www.greyareaanalytics.com/goalkeeper-comparison)
- Hyderabad, a pleasant surprise
- EB unlucky or poor keeping?
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