1) I feel passionate that children and staff shouldn’t be exposed to Covid because you don’t know how you’ll react. I am 26, had no underlying issues, I don’t smoke and I was physically active (50 mile bike rides etc). It’s been 2 months since I tested positive for Covid.
2. During that time my breathing has not improved. I have an extremely tight and aching chest with stabbing pains on a regular basis. I now get tired walking up the stairs and feel exhausted doing minimal tasks. I have had several tests done, chest x-ray, bloods, ECG.
3.All have identified no issue (which I’m thankful of), but there is clearly something wrong. I have been advised to rest and take paracetamol to ease the chest pain. It is not yet known how long it will take to improve, or if it will.
4.I have spoken to people who feel this 8 months down the line. Due to Covid being reasonably new, there’s not much known about the long-term effects of it. This is why it infuriates me when schools remain fully open. I am in the low-risk category and have struggled. Why risk it
5.I was extremely careful, wore a mask and distanced myself as much as possible. In a non-patronising way, I want to inform people of the potential long-term effects. Also, I am not after sympathy and I do acknowledge that I am fortunate to survive & not end up on a ventilator.
6.This is why I don’t understand the Laissez-faire approach for schools. I do not blame SLT they do all they can but the minimal guidance from the government and lack of changes in schools means this occurs daily. Children and staff are put at risk and why?
7.This is why I don’t understand the Laissez-faire approach for schools. I do not blame SLT they do all they can but the minimal guidance from the government and lack of changes in schools means this occurs daily. Children & staff are put at risk and why? There are alternatives.
8.Schools don’t have to shut fully, but things need to change. Rota’s; remote learning; smaller classes & bubbles. It’s the lack of transparency & avoidance of the issue that is making teachers, parents and pupils feel worthless.
9.I want education to continue, but in a safe working environment. why is that so much to ask? We are 3 months down the line and still relying on an open window to stop aerosol transmission when in front of 30 pupils for hours on end. Sanitising hands isn’t going to stop that.
10.The issue is not being mentioned in the media, apart from stating how much of a setback lockdown 1 caused to pupils. Why is there no mention of staff and pupils who have died? Unions are not doing much. Unfortunately, there are going to be more deaths & cases of long-Covid.
11.Due to the propaganda and lack of positive media attention, teachers are being portrayed as causing a storm in a teacup. Thus, a lack of public support. We need help in schools. Thank you for reading, I wish you all of the best. END.
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