the fact that he was killed proves this is not true. khive sucks so fucking much
so do they want civilian oversight committees that will be ignored like always? or like a new separate group of cops that only go arrest cops? who are they accountable to? the mayors and governors that always take the cops' side? nobody?
the people that like this slogan have a fundamental misunderstanding of what cops are for and who they serve, and have a child's approach to problem solving.
I guess whoever made this left out the next line which is "We do say, however, that we are going to fight the police with police."
the real annoying replies to that tweet are the ones implying she means he's want to bring the back Black Panther tactic of armed Panthers literally observing the police patrolling. doing that got them killed and busted up by cointelpro in the 60s, what makes today any different?
there are unarmed people doing cop watch stuff all the time, and cops still kill with impunity.

but armed or unarmed cop watches aren't what liberals want, they want more toothless and expensive attempts at reforming something that has repeatedly show it can't be reformed.
a nebulous slogan like "police the police" is something that cops like Kamala Harris love because they can point to useless initiatives and expensive training that doesn't work and say they did something. it's worse than doing nothing, it's a green light for more police funding.
it's objectively true that "defund the police" didn't cost the democrats elections. the candidates that ran to the left in swing districts won, the ones that ran to the right in swing districts lost. saying that the slogan cost them in some places and didn't in others is bullshit
trying to crush "defund the police" as a slogan and a policy goal (which is already watered down) right now is about running up the scoreboard on the left wing of the party that has already been crushed, but cannot be allowed to exist at all.
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