This sort of thing really is bordering the Yellow Peril line. Shameful that a prominent journalist like Uhlmann is endorsing it, but symptomatic of everything wrong with the discourse around China in Australian public life.
This is no different from Trump's 'kung flu' trope- it associates a whole country with the virus. Bear in mind the context: a media climate around the CCP threat in which even Parliament has become a forum for 'blatant racial profiling' of people who look Chinese. @mcgregorrichard
My own future sister-in-law was physically kicked on the streets of Melbourne by a stranger for no apparent reason other than looking Chinese -she's Malaysian, but that brings us to-
3)We can't expect the average Joe to distinguish btwn the 'CCP', 'China', 'Chinese people', etc.
This bias is only amplified by a picture of the CCP spreading tentacles, whether political or an actual virus, among ethnic Chinese people around the world. People sympathise with that community as an abstraction, but turn a blind eye to the negative impacts at individual level.
4) Back to the cartoon - the idea that it's innocuous because it portrays Xi Jinping releasing the virus and not some other abstraction of 'China', is as foolish as saying Zhao Lijian's tweet is innocuous b/c people will distinguish a photoshopped Aussie soldier from 'Australia'.
The point of both cartoons is obviously to direct opprobrium at an entire country.
To say that the general public will distinguish between 'the CCP system' and people who look Chinese is, for reasons given in thread above, willfully blind to how this plays out in the real world.
But let's accept that premise for the moment.
Even if this is indeed just about 'the CCP system', the idea that that system is uniquely responsible for inflicting COVID on the world is both poorly supported, and damaging to effective policy for dealing with the CCP's challenge.
Firstly, could COVID have spread round the world if it originated in a country other than China? Clearly, yes. The way Trump's America handled it gives plenty of reason to believe it would still have become a global pandemic if it had originated in the US.
Not to mention Asian democracies like Indonesia, where a minister claimed eucalyptus necklaces stopped COVID, or India, where govt officials led mass gatherings on the streets in response to Modi's call for social distancing & showing pandemic solidarity.
Yes, pernicious aspects of the CCP system contributed to global spread of this pandemic. That doesn't justify claiming the pandemic *results from* the CCP system, and conflating this with completely unconnected issues like Hong Kong to make a political point, as the cartoon does.
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