might get roasted for this but I’ve noticed recently that I’ve been slowly bleeding followers. doesn’t bug me- I think I’m fun, if you unfollow me that’s your business. but I’ve noticed that I get the most unfollows when I tweet something outside the Dem norms? Hear me out ok-
whether it’s constructive criticism of a democratic politician (which I think is valuable and important to do!) or sharing something from a local DSA chapter or support for M4A, whatever, people seem to see that as an indication that I’m an adversary
look, you’re welcome to think that. you are welcome to unfollow me, I won’t stop you. but the idea that you can’t simultaneously support, for example, resistance groups and groups like DSA is totally missing the forest for the trees
I’m a member of @DSASWLA, before that I was a member of Baton Rouge DSA. I’m also the founder of the Baton Rouge chapter of Indivisible. I started that chapter with a friend in January 2017, I was 20 years old. I ran it while I was in school, and I’m proud of that.
my point is, follow me or don’t, what bugs me is the idea that progressives should find their pod and not stray from it, and that expressing ideas that are to the left or right of your own is grounds for being invalidated. we can walk and chew gum, no?
I’m young, I have a lot to learn and I know that... but I also remember being younger and throwing together an intro meeting for a resistance group at a coffee shop, thinking nobody would show, and 50 people showing. I remember DSA embracing us. we can do both... why wouldn’t we?
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