
Are you *sure* you're nondisabled?

I bet you're faking it.

Is nondisability a permanent condition?

Are you open about it at work?

Why are your friends only nondisabled?

Is being nondisabled an identity you have or do you prefer "person with a nondisability?"
Have you talked to a doctor about this?

What are you most concerned about with your nondisability?

Do waiters ask your partner what you'd like to eat instead of asking you?

Is there anything you feel is important for others to understand about being nondisabled?
Can you have sex? What companies sell sex products you can use?

Do you face barriers to attending events or buying groceries?

If you get married, are you at risk of losing necessary living tools for independence?

Tell me about your favorite movement for nondisabled rights.
You know, you don't look nondisabled.

Isn't nondisability a young person thing?

You just want the perks of being nondisabled.

I'm wish I could go to work, socialize, & have financial stability like you! I don't know how you do it!

If I became nondisabled I'd hate myself.
I feel more comfortable calling it a special ability instead of nondisabled. Doesn't that feel better? Or special needs? Or differently-abled.

Yeah, I like that. Don't call yourself nondisabled when you're really just differently abled.
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