Will parents of British kids have to go to court to assess if they are competent to understand the possible life altering side affects of recieving the new and untested Covid 19 vaccines? Since the law banned under 16's from taking "experimental" drugs such as puberty blockers?
If the courts feel that taking something like Leupropelin is "innovative and experimental"
and that "it is highly unlikely that a child aged 13 or under would be competent to give consent to [puberty blockers]"....
....and that "It is doubtful that a child aged 14 or 15 could understand and weigh the long term risks and consequences of the administration of [puberty blockers]". Given that to date there is no certified vaccine on the market and that it certainly qualifies as "innovative.....
..and experimental", then by all common sense, children should be banned from a drug that could most certainly have devastating effects on a least one child that may come back and sue that they were not well enough informed of the possible consequences of such a drug.
Remember that this is based in the premise of "if we can save ONE child".
Shoe's on the other foot now parents, will you "save" your child?
Absolutely feel free to boost and share this widely. We need to spread good consciousness to everyone fighting for there children's lives...đźš©
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