Watching a Hulu Christmas movie called “A Puppy For Christmas” and I swear to god if she doesn’t dump the stick in the mud boyfriend and find happiness with just herself and the puppy I want my money back.
Spoilers ahead as I live tweet this experience.

The puppy puked on the boyfriend’s new expensive watch.

Always trust a dog’s intuition.
The boyfriend dumped her over the puppy, but her adventure columnist co worker loves the puppy.

Don’t do me like this, Hulu. I sense we’re headed into money-back territory.

We’re only 15 minutes in. There’s still an hour to turn this thing around. 🤞
Adventurous co-worker invited her to his family Christmas. They think she’s his FIANCÉE. (She is NOT)

PUPPY do your duty!! Don’t just sit there looking cute, Chomp his leg or something!
After downing 3 FULL MASON JARS of moonshine, she just woke up without a hangover.

Run, Adventure boy! That’s not NORMAL!

Wait. Where is puppy??

Oh he’s destroying the Christmas tree. Ok good.
Ok after a brief intermission I’m back.

And SO IS THE CHRISTMAS TREE! It’s ok that the puppy destroyed the last one bc now they can decorate together.

Adventure bro’s sister has eyes for our heroine. THERE’S a plot twist I can get behind.

BRB Pouring myself some moonshine.
The puppy likes the sister.

Always trust a puppy’s tuition.
So far no one has ended a conversation by saying “Merry Christmas.”

What kind of Christmas movie is this?!?

I haven’t seen the puppy in a full 30 seconds. What kind of puppy movie is this?!?
EUGH Adventure bub’s name is LIAM??? I refuse.

But he’s been to so many countries though. Even EASTER ISLAND. His pin map in his attic bedroom says so.

Also his “Fiancée” Jessica keeps getting “delayed”.

Someone just referred to him as a “hunky cowboy.” (He is NOT)
Listen. She just made a speech about how this is the “best Christmas ever” and cited so many reasons but NOT THE PUPPY?!?!?!?

That’s it IM DONE.

Idk where the puppy is but he better be shredding someone’s SUITCASE.
Liam just confessed he broke up with Jessica because he doesn’t want to be someone’s “second.”

Liam, ditch Noelle and go with the puppy! That puppy will put you first EVERY TIME.

Oh shat, ex boyfriend is here. Adventure boy. Quick! PICK THE PUPPY AND RUN!!
“I’ve driven shift, I can do anything” -Noelle

Something happened and tbh idk what it was. They’re talking about “Moose feed” and acting like they found a treasure they haven’t been looking for? I think I missed something.

Oh it’s litrally a bag of cash! I def missed something
The farm is saved!!! The ex boyfriend can’t repossess it now!

This is great news because I had no idea that was even a concern tho!

Am I watching the same movie?

The puppy’s still here, he’s chewing up Christmas presents which is my favorite part of this movie.
The puppy has a new sister puppy!! The END!

Well. Noelle ended up with adventure dude. But also with TWO puppies. So maybe that’s a compromise I’m willing to make.

Thanks for tuning in. Overall thoughts: I came for the puppy. I stayed for the puppy.

Merry Christmas.
One last thought: I wonder if the movie “A Boyfriend for Christmas” plays out the same way. Maybe the boyfriend just kind of fades into the background and in the end she gets TWO boyfriends, but finds her true happiness w/ a puppy.


Merry Christmas!
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