My husband found out that I have never seen Tombstone and now I'm watching Val Kilmer die of consumption.
Okay, so every white male actor from the 90s is in this. Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliott, Bill Paxton, Billy Zane, Billy Bob Thorton.

Also, the romantic lead is ... Dana Delaney? Who has been given terrible dialogue.
Wyatt Earp's wife is an addict and this is stressing him out, but honestly it's not like there's another treatment for headaches in the late 1800s, give her a break.
"Frederick Fucking Chopin" - OMG, Val Kilmer has all the best lines.
Oh, man, Sam Elliott just called for reasonable gun legislation and people are NOT happy.
Okay I don't know too much about tuberculosis but I think you aren't supposed to smoke.
Oh my God, this is fucking tense.
Husband: how come you don't wear a bustle?

Me: Don't need one, babe; all natch.
Me: I think this movie romanticizes the Old West.

Him: Really?

Me: No, I just wanna bang Val Kilmer.
Husband just did his Doc Holliday impression, and we might not finish this movie. 😍
Oh, Sam Elliott. 💔
Oh no, oh no. Bill Paxton. This one hurts.
It has taken two years and I just learned my husband has been quoting this movie in DnD campaigns.
"I got lots of friends."

"I don't."

Did Val Kilmer get a nomination for this? Because he deserved it.
This love story is bad.
Charlton Heston is in this and I think that's *prolonged fart noises*
This is a much better love story.
"My hypocrisy goes only so far."

Fuck me, I just ovulated.
"There is no normal life, there is just life."
Oh my god, Doc is begging Wyatt to leave so he can die alone.
There are eight better love stories in this movie than this one.
Okay wow, I have comments but most of them are "VAL KILMER A-WOOGA" (hits head with own shoe.)
Crazily enough this movie passes the Bechtel test because two of the women talk about opiates.
Disappointing that a movie with great dialogue wrote such terrible lines for female characters.

Anyway. This is why we need more women screenwriters. *Ahem.*

I'm done. Damn.
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