A friend casually mentioned "the Jewish fatalism of Looney Toons" and now I'm pacing and composing monographs in my head how is your night...
"That's All Folks: From Maimonides to Blazing Saddles"

Toward a New Existential Discourse On Tradition, Modernity and Falling Anvils...
"...but I should like to offer a more radical epistemological framework: ACME is not just Gentile aggression, it's Gentile *acceptance, which since Napoleon..."
"...under this hegemony, how *not to see Petunia as a Lilith figure: Doubly trennen, once in being female, again in being a pork product..?"
"...of Sylvester and Daffy, then, are the aporia of Jewish self-knowledge/self-hatred: How can such tongues proudly say, 'Shabot shalom?'"
"...Yet is not the Road Runner's indefatigable cheeriness a sign of despair? As Buber himself once noted..."
"...the castration anxiety at the heart of "Rabbit of Seville" (see esp. Wannick, "Circumcision and Its Discontents," pp.173-179), but..."
"...what Jacobson missed in her otherwise magisterial study of Granny as archetype of Jewish motherhood was the disposability of her costume..."
"...no, Marvin's very appearance suggests (pace Singer et al.) that the Modern Jew is alien to Himself..."
"As to Froghorn Leghorn, as I argued in my strangely neglected, 'Enormous Schwanstucker: Race, Class, Sex and Yiddish From...'"
"Obviously, this narrows space for discursive modes. But as Bugs himself says, 'Well, what did you expect in an opera? A happy ending...?'"
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