let's be real. i might get cancelled for this but this is a genuine question to my fellow filo/asian stans. before you entered stan twt, how much did you know about ca? racism? and other social issues that involve black/african oppression? https://twitter.com/xiaojunsh/status/1334883948254666753
i admit that i knew nothing about ca before entering stan twt. this behavior of people wearing things from other cultures such as braids, dreadlocks, do-rags, etc. even the use of the n word was normalized here that people wouldnt even budge hearing someone say it
-thinking that saying the word would make them look cool.
the first time i found out about ca was during boom era when chenle had cornrows on. i was genuinely confused about why people were making a fuss about it, until i did my own research and educated myself
it was embarrassing for my part since i usually speak about issues when i get the chance and but that time, i didn't get the chance since i was naive and i was educating myself as well
before i knew about ca, i even praised winwin's look during limitless era, but mind you, i was a new stan during early 2019, so i got ignorant seeing winwin's limitless photos and finding it cool.
my point is, if it wasn't for stan twt, i wouldn't know anything about ca. i also come across a lot of tiktoks of asian/filo people saying the n word and being cancelled for it. notice how uneducated most people are with ca and racism?
not everyone is on twitter nor have something to open their eyes with. personally, stan twt was the reason my eyes were opened regarding ca and racism. but how about the people who stay ignorant and naive?
it doesn't matter how old they are. but if they live in a country that's also oppressed, colonized by other countries and had a lot of cultural impact from their colonizers, it isn't surprising that a lot are uneducated about western oppression
i do not intend to invalidate the ones offended, and i do not mean to defend hendery and other idols who has done the same thing, but im trying to address what most people dont understand about asian countries
to add to this, i wanna share something that happened recently. i was constantly mocked by my family about listening to kpop and watching korean content. they started saying homophobic and racist things towards the idols and koreans in general and of course i wasn't happy abt it
i eventually burst into flames and called them out for being racist, homophobic, and generally disrespectful, and guess what i got in response? they laughed at me. they thought i was defending them because they're my idols but not because i find them really disrespectful
with this, i learned that no matter how old you are, no matter how aware you are of the diversity of cultures and races, people can just be so uneducated and close-minded about things such as racism and ca.
to sum this up, i just wanna say that i hope you guys take it easy on the idols. if it wasn't obvious, theyre really clueless and they seem to not know about being called out everytime. even if they want to speak, its still up to the company to let them speak about it
if you were to ask me, i think sm is also oblivious of this. i noticed how they respond to our complaints lately but i havent seen a single response regarding the issues
i know this time is different because SM didnt make hendery wear the wig, but if he had to speak about it, its still up to the company if they let him use his voice
i really really hope SM educates themselves and their idols, considering that they're going global and they should be educated about social issues. if you made it this far in the thread, thank you and i hope you help me spread this.
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