Cases for Trump victory, by state:

Pennsylvania: Clearest case for Trump, with several paths to victory.
1. PA is violating Bush v. Gore, quite strictly, via its mail-in ballot administration scheme
2. PA is violating the Rehnquist concurrence to Bush v. Gore, by means of violating its own state law. Trump can appeal to SCOTUS regarding this special Constitutional violation
3. The national route: If SCOTUS mandates fixes related to the Smartmatic/Dominion scandal nationwide, this would also flip PA
4. Clear violations of Bush v. Gore regarding in-person voting
5. Clear violations of an enormous amount of laws throughout the state, many fraudsters have come out and bragged.

The Parnell case asserts that over 1 million illegal ballots were cast!
Michigan and Wisconsin:
1. Clear violations of Bush v. Gore, but not as many as PA
2. Dominion/Smartmatic again
3. Deliveries of votes in violation of US law
4. Use of violence against observers, including knife threats
5. Failure to match vote counts to voter counts
1. Deliveries of votes in violation of US law
2. Violations of the Rehnquist concurrence
3. Violations of the Bush v. Gore decision via machines, mail-ins, etc.
4. Violations of GA law via internet connection of machines, failure to recertify machines after an update on election day morning
5. False info used to drive out election observers, including a fake plumbing issue--count caught on vid w/ matching live results and 14hrs of excellent video evidence
AZ+NV: Myriad issues, including Bush v. Gore violations
Furthermore, the Rehnquist concurrence necessitates an addendum, the Constitution may be violated via the EP clause; in other words, the use of the Rehnquist concurrence also affects downballot races, and means victory of Sean Parnell & others. We could win even more downballot!
CALL YOUR LEGISLATORS! Protest. Make yourselves heard and unable to be ignored. And be kind to your neighbors.
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