1/9 A thread about Ageism and COVID-19 from @geronsociety @ReframingAging Infographic: https://bit.ly/36GaxtG  Even though people 65 & older are at greater risk of hospitalization & death from COVID-19, people of all ages are profoundly affected by the pandemic,
2/9 whether thru infection itself, economic impact, or social distancing measures—esp. those responsible for physical distancing of family and friends for the safety of all.
3/9 Acting together to prevent further spread of the virus will help support people of all ages, including the lives of older people who are particularly at risk.
4/9 Ageism is discrimination based on negative assumptions about age & can have a big impact on older people’s lives. It begins w/ biases that are implicit &unseen, resulting in regarding older people as debilitated, unworthy of attention & resources, or unsuitable for employment
5/9 Ageism would suggest that only older people should worry about getting COVID-19. In fact, people of all ages can get COVID-19.
6/9 Ageism would suggest that age is the primary risk factor for COVID-19. In fact, data reveal other factors that can increase the risk for all adults.
7/9 Ageism would suggest that only older people are dealing with loneliness and isolation because of social and community lives disrupted by COVID-19. In fact, people of all ages can be impacted socially and emotionally.
8/9 Ageism would suggest that isolation is particularly difficult for older people because they cannot use technology to communicate with family and friends. In fact, many—although not all—older people use the internet and digital devices for maintaining social relationships.
9/9 When we all stay home today, we see fewer new cases tomorrow. By keeping our physical distance and wearing masks, we slow the spread. This protects people in our communities who are most at risk and the availability of the lifesaving health care we all depend on."
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