Talking with white men about communism is so hard bc they take it as a personal assault on who they are, bc capitalism asserts that the nuclear family is the only family we need, and that men should work get rich and die. And I think leftists do in fact need
To be patient with these men and people who can not fathom the damage capitalism has had on them.
White men need to understand that capitalism has favored them but it has also caused them to believe they’re immune to the abuse and exploitation it can cause.
White men are turning to the right bc the idea of continuing to hold power— be the “head of the family” the superior being, is one they have seen flourish under capitalism and they want more. So What catalyzes?
1. Bc white ppl in general are scared of losing power and leverage
2. Bc capitalism cause oppression to all. You are either wage slave or a boss who exploits.
Capitalism thrives off of oppression. Toxic masculinity in the work force is dangerous and can cause the liberal feminist idea that women should hold places of power which exploit workers to continue to be the status quo for feminism.
Socialist feminism is about fighting for the working class and for liberation. It’s apart of the answer to this epidemic in my opinion. The far right is getting more radical, more dangerous and more deadly and we absolutely fucking need to take the time to redirect and help
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