CPS’ lead industrial hygienist contractor said in bargaining yesterday that statements in reports that a “school is acceptable for occupancy” didn't consider COVID-19 at all, just whether the air circulation was at a level acceptable for occupancy under normal circumstances.
And they wonder why there's mistrust. School closings, SPED mismanagement, budget cuts, layoffs, scandals, federal investigations, federal imprisonment. There's been a culture of chaos at CPS for at least the past decade. And the district is still lying and misleading the public.
CPS has admitted that, since it was testing buildings that were unoccupied for six months, the district didn't even consider sufficient controls to prevent COVID-19 transmission, only that the building systems provided adequate comfort for students and staff.
From @JaredRutecki: "I’ve followed this somewhat closely from a CPS parent perspective, and it kinda feels more like they decided the kids were going back to school and then found evidence to support it, rather than using evidence to pick the right time."

The pandemic and the need for remote learning are temporary. Deaths to students and staff are permanent. The fact that the mayor and CPS are seeking trust for stubbornly marching students and educators back into unsafe, untested school buildings is alarming.
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