The Race to the Dumbest has a new contender
Dear dummy.

Section 230, which you're talking about repealing, is a protection from platforms to be liable for speech and works hosted on that platform. I know you were born in 1955, so you probably remember seeing Gangster movies. Let's use that for a quick explanation.
Common Carrier status, which was conferred upon telephones in 1934. This meant Gangsters could call one another and say things, and the phone company wasn't hauled into court for being a Gangster.
Moron, what do you think would happen if the phone company WAS liable for what was said on their millions of phone calls? Do you think you'd get MORE phone calls? Or do you think there'd be a whole lot less and they'd be very expensive?
Idiot, are you aware that if 230 is repealed, Twitter, now responsible for everything illegal, libelous, or in any way dangerous in any US jurisdiction, will be forced to immediately terminate any accounts that have any of that going on?
Anyway, I really really really hope someone takes you aside and explains this to you, because a 230-less world is not what you think it is.

Have a great weekend, dope
Coda: Parler, which cannot possibly afford the amount of moderators to remove every illegal post on the site, will close immediately
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