Why "unpopular opinions" are problematic
- a thread
- please read and spread /srs
Disclaimer: I'm referring to "unpopular opinions" that are mean, problematic, hateful, disrespectful ect.
1. Calling something an unpopular opinion doesn't make saying something hateful any less hateful. It's not a free pass to be mean.
"X is ugly" and "unpopular opinion X is ugly" are both equally bad.
2. If you spread hate with an unpopular opinion to gain attention, then you still spread hate, it doesn't matter what your intention is.
3. "it's not my opinion it's anons"
If you ask for people to send you unpopular opinions and you spread this hate on your account, that might not be your opinion. Nevertheless, you are still spreading hate.
4. If you see such threads and you get angry about what was said about your faves and then proceed to like tweets that hate on other idols, you are so wrong for that. This isn't about who you stan or not
5. Also having unpopular opinions is completely fine, I'm not saying we all should collectively agree an everything. There is just a different between opinions that aren't popular and hate.
6. "tf is your problem it's not that deep" or "lol calm down it's just a joke"
Just because spreading hate doesn't bother you or it entertains you, does not mean it's okay. And you should seriously try to reflect on that /gen
7. Also people sadly tend to forget that those are mostly opinions about idols which means humans.
Some treat them like a product and that is so disrespectful /srs
8. This is just a reminder that your emotions are absolutely valid when you get affected by seeing hate towards people you like.
Also I'm not asking to send hate to anyone.
- I'm dyslexic and english isn't my language, please keep that in mind /srs
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