Unsolicited thread.

1/2020's taught me just how sadly we have organized humanity. There's a fictional line drawn on a land mass that separates 2 groups of kinda similar folks, & on one side of that line you're 4.4x more likely to have, and 2.6x more likely to die from, COVID19.
2/It's no different, though, on one side or the other of that bigger fictional line, where we've drawn OTHER fictional lines so that you're more likely or not to have or die from COVID19 depending on where you are.
3/And then even within those fictional lines, we've drawn invisible lines that make it more or less likely that you'll have or die from COVID19.
4/I just keep coming back to this thought... of course it affects some (older, less healthy, etc.) more than others. But so much of what decides if you get or die from this disease depends on whether you were born/live on the wrong side of a HUMAN-made fictional/invisible line.
5/It's just so preventable, and yet... not? We're seeing a resurgence of this thing that will basically rival the 1917 flu, and almost the same (in)human reaction to it.

No real conclusion, just...

Wear a goddamn mask.
Stay physically distant.
Don't congregate unless critical.
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