Today President @realDonaldTrump and I filed a lawsuit against @GaSecofState Brad Raffensperger contesting his certification of the Presidential election in Georgia. 1/15
Our lawsuit does not rely on theories about the voting machines. These theories will be explored in other lawsuits. Instead, we painstakingly show thousands of examples of “low tech” voting irregularities and fraud sufficient in scale to place the election result in doubt. 2/15
We show that votes were cast by and counted from individuals who were not registered to vote, individuals who registered to vote after the deadline and individuals who registered but were not old enough to vote. 3/15
We show that votes were cast by and counted from convicted felons ineligible to register or vote, including inmates in correctional facilities. 4/15
We show that votes were cast by and counted from individuals who voted more than once and in the names of individuals who are no longer alive. 5/15
We show that votes were cast by and counted from individuals who claimed to reside within post office boxes. 6/15
We show that votes were cast by and counted from individuals who are registered and voted in more than one state. 7/15
We show that votes were cast by and counted from individuals who have moved to another state or moved to another county without re-registering as required by law. 8/15
We are asking the Court to order the audit of absentee signatures matches that @GaSecofState should have ordered weeks ago when first asked. 9/15
Under Georgia law, we must show that the number of unlawful votes exceeds the purported margin of victory. It does not require us to show for which candidate the unlawful votes were cast. 10/15
Georgia officials who have fecklessly asserted that the general election was an “amazing success” “with no credible evidence of irregularity” are undermining public confidence in the integrity of our elections. 11/15
We will only restore public confidence in our elections by moving to eradicate the systemic unlawfulness that this lawsuit exposes. 12/15
Every lawful vote must be counted and every unlawful vote rejected. Counting must be done in the open and in accordance with law. Elections officials who violate the law must be held to account. 13/15
Thankful for the hard working team of lawyers and experts who assembled the evidence. If anyone was wondering what I was doing when @LLinWood called me out earlier this week for not attending his midday “Stop the Steal” rally, I was helping them prepare this lawsuit. 14/15
I have joined this lawsuit in my capacity as a registered voter and Republican candidate for Presidential Elector because I care about the integrity of our elections. I am not seeking reimbursement of my legal fees from the Georgia Republican Party or the Trump campaign. 15/15
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