I really don’t like the “sharpest-elbow” approach to deciding which NHS workers get vaccinated. There will be plenty to go around, and even if you do get to the front of the queue, you still need to observe PPE rules and social distancing measures. There’s no rush. Don’t panic!!
“Why are THEY getting it before US?” - come on my loves, it’s not a competition, or some dastardly plot to kill you.

This vaccine is already WELL ahead of anything we could have imagined. Chill out. It will get to you, and it will be done sensibly.
I’m a fit and healthy, immunocompetent, pretty slim, still young(?!) front-line worker who pretty much swims in COVID infested waters every day. I’d much prefer my dose to go to those who’ve been off the pitch since April. I’m in no mad rush, but equally can’t wait to have it.
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