Wanna hear a story? I was on a Scottsdale medical campus this morning for a medical procedure. Husband couldn’t come with me and we were FINE with that. He went to a locally owned coffee shop to wait. NOT A SINGLE a person, except the staff, was wearing a mask. No one.
AT A MEDICAL CAMPUS. He was trying to support a local business but it would have put us both at risk. I’m immune compromised and we’ve been quarantined since Feb. No shopping, eating out, celebrating, just the grocery and once a month or a drive thru coffee or drink always masked
We’re experiencing a pandemic. It was a MEDICAL campus. He went to a corporate coffee place because they were enforcing mask wearing and weren’t allowing anyone to sit inside. We have a lack of leadership. We have selfish, willful citizens who can’t be bothered to care about...
Anyone but themselves. I’m furious. And I’m sad that it’s somehow seen as weak to care about others. And that so many people are living in denial and are so angry that they are being asked to DO THE BARE MINIMUM that when confronted, they scream and yell and throw a temper...
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