I know it’s upsetting but I understand why she said it was a decision. When I was a kid, I was a state page. We worked primarily on bills that were being introduced. When they would write a bill they’d stick some good stuff in and try to slide other new laws in on a rider... https://twitter.com/steveguest/status/1334905790801580032
As an example, let’s say a bill was introduced that gave everyone $4K every month for the next 5 months. Sounds good right? But no. In that same paperwork, there will be a new law that says if you accept the money you can’t use toilet paper. That’s not real but you get the point.
So when @SpeakerPelosi says it was a decision, there may have been something in the bill that would’ve made us worse off than before. As a teen, I agreed that many of the bills should not have been passed. Welfare checks and universal health care YAY but you can’t buy snacks NO
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