Cannon and implied cannon LGBTQIA rep in YuuMori: A thread

I've been wanting to make this thread for a while and it's going to be a long one but basically there IS actually a lot of Canon and implied Canon LGBT rep in YuuMori and I'm going to use literary analysis to prove it!
Naturally I'm going to start with Bond. Bond 100% is trans but for the sake of thoroughness I'm going to take a minute and prove that and also taken to account a situation in which Bond isn't trans in order to prove a point, starting with this scene with Moneypenny+
MP receives a bouquet of roses from Bond and an invitation to dinner. We all know how to read this coding.this is romantic no matter how you look at it. In any piece of media sending someone a bouquet of roses and inviting them out to dinner is the quintessential romantic+
Unless explicitly stated otherwise. An idea reinforced by the sight of MP smiling and holding the rose right afterward. We can all agree that this is meant to be romantic gesture especially considering that this being the quintessential romantic gesture means that the writer+
Unless that's how they meant it to be portrayed. So here there is one of two options either Bond is the trans guy who just asked out a woman, OR, if for some reason you wanted to argue that Bond is a woman, congratulations you just made this scene gay. There is literally no+
Explanation for this scene that is both cisgendered and heterosexual no matter how you spin it and so by this token we know that there is in fact cannon LGBTQIA rep in YuuMori. So let's go from there back to Bond. I've seen people argue that you "can't be sure"what the writer+
Intended but it's all there in the text. Bond tells Louis to "treat me as you would a man" and Louis complies, using male pronouns for him from then on. Later when they go to the changing room Moran challenges Bond on that but look at the language he uses+
"for arguments sake let's assume you are a man on the inside" even in his moment of brief transphobia Moran, and through him the writer, is acknowledging the existence of trans people by pointing out that it is possible to have a gender identity other than what you're assigned+
In this way the writer is bringing trans identity into the conversation, not the fans, the writer. I also want to point out how the scene is framed, as a discussion of whether or not a trans man can use a man's changing room. This wasn't the big issue in the 1800s+
When is it a big issue? Now, the 2010s and 2020s. Louis literally says that forcing a trans man to use a womans changing room is "discriminatory."there is literally no way that this is an accident. The writer is using his story to weigh in on the modern struggle for trans rights+
This in turn again frames Bond as trans.
Quick side note I'm using trans as an umbrella term here, since I have no way of knowing whether Bond would identify as a man if he had options like non-binary and gender fluid but those ideas didn't yet exist and regardless he isn't cis+
People argue that it's just a disguise and so I want to remind do that not only is the text using Bond to bring up trans issues, thus implying that they are relevant to him, but that Bond had already spent enough time living as a man to fool even Sherlock in other words A LOT+
So now that we've established that YuuMori and it's author are actively going out of the way to provide LGBT rep and bring up LGBT issues we can now use that lens to look at the rest of the cast and story starting with Sherlock.+
The Sherlock Holmes character isn't inherently queer character. What do I mean by that? To put it simply the original ACD Sherlock Holmes was AroAce. (Side note I'll be referring to him as "Holmes" and the YuuMori character as "Sherlock") I have no doubt that this is+
Unintentional on the part of ACD but Ace people existed LONG before the term and in the beginning of "a scandal in Bohemia" ACD says, among other things, " as a lover he would place himself in a false position"even without the word for it a character can still fall within+
The category of an identity and this description here is in every way describing what it means to be AroAce. Now back to our Sherlock who I do not believe to be AroAce but I do think it's important to remember that this is an inherently queer character. So how does YuuMori+
Handle him? They're quite upfront about it. Sherlock literally tells John that he has "no interest in women"there is two ways this can be meant by the author and again, even if you ignore the very obvious fact that he is spelling out that he is not straight, you still end up+
With a queer character. The only way this could be taken as something other than what it is, is if the text immediately set out to prove him wrong by making Irene Adler the one woman he could fall in love with. This is not the case but even if it was there is a word for people+
Rarely find romantic attraction and need a deep emotional and/or intellectual bond first. It's demisexual, aka not straight. But the text DOESN'T do that.we have no concrete evidence that Sherlock feels anything other than friendship for Irene so we are left with Sherlock's+
Statement as it stands: he isn't interested in women. That means that he is either AroAce or Gay (and possibly somewhere on the A spectrum, no way to rule that one in or out). And this is where we come to proving Sherliam 😄😄. So far I've mostly talked about the text but+
YuuMori is a manga and therefore we also need to look at the visuals and this is where I bring up the coding that is Sherlock's blushes. Repeatedly throughout the manga we see Sherlock blush whenever Liam does something to excite him. These sorts of blushes are just as much+
Romantic coding as the flowers and letter Bond gave to MP. In other words they imply romantic attraction. Now you could argue this another way, that this is actually just the way the artist is conveying that for Sherlock the puzzle and intellectual challenge Liam represents+
Is stimulating for Sherlock in the same way romance is stimulating for others ... But because he's still getting that stimulation from Liam it essentially comes back to the same thing. now frame all this in the context of us knowing that Sherlock isn't straight+
At that point it becomes VERY to argue that Sherlock isn't written as viewing Liam, the guy he is undoubtedly fascinated with, romantically. Finally I want to look at the other half of Sherliam. For William the argument is more implicit than explicit but I still think it's there+
To put it simply William is Sherlock's mirror. The writer is intentionally going out of his way to make these two characters the same in every particular including ones with no narrative relevance like the fact that Sherlock and William are both exactly the same age and height+
They even share a name. Canonically the real name of the Sherlock Holmes character is William Sherlock Scott Holmes. Now let's take bets on why Williams name is William shall we. Even in the latest chapter (which I won't spoil) Sherlock says of William+
"it was the same all this time, you always felt the same way" in those lines he is thinking about the relationship. If William is Sherlock's mirror in every way including things like age and height then it makes sense for them to share a sexuality as well and if+
We accept that Sherlock's feelings for Liam are romantic then him saying that they are the same implies that Liam's feelings for Sherlock are also romantic. Now I know this feels like a little bit more of a stretch and you could argue vague wording and accidental implications+
On the part of the writer and artist, however consider how many times we have repeatedly proved that the writer and artist are actively considering LGBT rep and issues when writing this manga keeping that in mind it's hard to see all of this as an accident especially considering+
The way they act around each other. YuuMori IS a canonically LGBTQ manga which casually integrates LGBTQ characters into a series not explicitly about LGBT identity which is something I think is really important and should be acknowledged. I know it can seem what like people are+
Finding what they look for but if you follow my deductions you'll see that it's all in there and that once you have a limited the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. 😄😄 Aka Sherliam is cannon. Fight me!
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