1/ 🚨 THREAT LETTER sent by attorney last month to a public school Superintendent. Mother and son objected to the content of a mandatory "Sociology of Change" class that teaches only white people can be racist and created a "hostile and divisive educational environment."
2/ The class required "reciting and affirming a predetermined and politically loaded worldviews" and "served no apparent purpose beyond ideological thought reform."

Actual class material:
3/ Students were required to to "publicly profess their sexual, racial, and religious identities so that the teacher and others can scrutinize, interrogate and label those identities in a derogatory manner." Claims classes were "compelled speech" and "psychologically abusive."
4/ When mother tried to remove her son from the class, the principal "threatened [her son] with non-graduation and grade penalization if he did not return to the class and participate fully."

See the letter from the Principal below:
Here is a thread that goes over some of the actual class content for the "Sociology of Change" course that is *required* for students to take in order to graduate. https://twitter.com/DrKarlynB/status/1308566640666308608?s=20
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