Insane laziness, lack of intellectual curiosity, &/or dishonesty in much of our news media. Many happily parrot dumb/dishonest Dem talking points on elections challenges, & uncritically recount vague assurances from implicated officials. Disinformation agents, all of them. Sad 🧵
Many have been led astray by deflection about typos & editing errors as a few dozen lawyers try to cram years worth of work into days + Dem lawfare honcho M Elias's fabricated win-loss counts.

So let's try to clarify the state of some elections challenges in a little thread
AZ 1/6

Ward v Jackson, Superior Court AZ, Maricopa County, filed 11/24 (CV2020-015285)
11/25 order permits service via email, sets deadlines for service, schedule hearing for 11/30
AZ Ward 2/6

11/30 or 12/1 Court orders inspection of ballots
(Order's parameters unclear from Minutes, which only say Plaintiff’s counsel ltd to one credentialed observer with them. Clerk site appears to have errantly posted same 12/1 Minutes twice)
AZ Ward 3/6

12/2 Petitioner Motion to Compel or For Continued Inspection, notes
A) 100 duplicated ballot sample inspected 12/1 revealed 2 spoiled Trump ballots improperly transformed into 1 Biden, 1 Trump+write-in (overvotes not counted)
B) ...
AZ Ward 4/6

B) 100 signed ballot envelope analysis by handwriting experts: ~8-10% “inconclusive” matches – notes signatures weren’t necessarily invalid or fraudulent, but experts can’t say to professional standard bc were too few signatures on file
AZ Ward 5/6

NOTE: All of these efforts to intervene & file amicus briefs in Ward v Jackson litigation belie some folks' claims that "all of these irregularities claims are nothing-burgers."

& hello to the morally bankrupt ginners-up of hate mobs at @ProjectLincoln!
AZ Legislature 6/6

AZ House & Senate leaders now, this AM, calling for machine audit, but should expand to audit actual ballots & envelopes (& could do so yet)
Watch this space ... more to come abt GA, NV, PA ...
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