One of the issues we don't talk about at all, racism in sports. More predominantly, football. Why were we so quick to completely disregard Neymar's accusations of racism? Why are numerous players still being chanted towards with monkey sounds? Why are so many players walking off-
pitches, but instead of joining them in a show of support, we just tell them "it's okay, come play with us, ignore the chants". It's NOT okay, I DON'T want to play with you, and I CANNOT ignore those chants. I am a human being, just like you, so why can't you stand with me side-
by-side in a show of support. Let's show these organizations and these groups that we have a voice. We will no longer sit by and be tormented by these groups of racists chanting at us. Let's show the governing bodies that they need to DO SOMETHING.
We struggle week in, week out. Governing bodies do NOT do enough about this issue, they have ZERO sense of integrity and share no morals or ethics with us players, it's a disgrace.
The next few tweets will include some ideas of how we as football fans can turn this around, and kick racism OUT of the beautiful game.
1. Enhanced stadium security. Every single corner of a stadium should have cameras and microphones attached, so we can see and hear if there are any racist chants going on, which will help us get rid of those making disgusting remarks or comments.
2. Security placement. We need to put security detail disguising as fans in certain stadium "hotbeds", where the chants are mostly coming from. This security officer will be allowed to photograph and eventually detain the suspects.
3. Stadium bans. Every single fan caught making racist chants or any racist comments will receive a life time stadium ban, zero tolerance policy.
4. Point deductions. Every single team who's fans make racist chants will be subject to point deductions. This will hopefully put some sense into those fans, nobody wants their team to lose points.
5. Competition bans. The final idea, we need to ban teams who cannot contain their fans from playing in certain leagues and tournaments, as a "final precaution". Sport governance bodies NEED to enforce these ideas in order to protect our players, and our beautiful sport.
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