nah i think they like releasing movies in theaters cause they make money for them
Movie companies have fucking hated the idea of straight-to-stream forever. They hated it so much a company called Prima popped up that required a $35k security box thing to stream and each movie cost $500. Sean Parker's home streaming thing never happened because they hated it
I do not think that this is all been part of their grand plan all along, and in fact I think they're doing it because they are literally not able to make money from theaters. If theaters made them more money they'd love theaters. It's not that complex
bringing up "the medium is the message" is freshman film student stuff. Not relevant unless you're discussing how people *watch* movies in a physical sense. And the fact his piece talks about "monopoly power" in streaming with no consideration of the current monopoly is hilarious
His piece worries about four companies controlling the movie-going experience, which would truly be terrible, and absolutely nothing like what we have right now at all
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