Responding to the lies of these ignorant enemies of Islam, who force women to uncover their faces claiming that it is not a part of islam & it is but (a wahhabi ideology)
Next time we'll see them abolishing pillars of islam with the same execuse

■covering the face

We should know that women observing hijab in front of non-mahram men & covering their faces is something that is obligatory & indicated by the Quran & Sunnah & the actions of the companions of the prophetﷺ and those who followed them

And there are many evidences for it :
This commands women to guard their chastity, & the command to guard it is also a command to follow all means of doing that Noone would doubt that one of the means is covering the face, bcz uncovering it causes people to look at it and enjoy its beauty, & hence to initiate contact
The verse says "and to draw their veils all over their chests. The jayb is the neck opening of a garment & khimaar (veil) is that with which a woman covers her head. If a woman is commanded to bring down her veil from her head over her neck then she'd automatically cover her face
The verse forbids showing all adornment except that which is apparent, that which one cannot help showing, such as the outside of the garment. Allah says:

"except only that which is apparent"

He didnt say, except that which they show of it, & the face is the epitome of adorment
ask yourself what's the reason of hijab?

It is to stop fitnah & stop men from desiring women who are not married to them, & if a man wants a woman, he should marry her instead of doing unlawful actions
So isn't the face more likely to be covered as it's the source of attraction?
In this verse Allah means the woman should not stamp her feet so as to make known her concealed adornments such as anklets etc. If a woman is forbidden to stamp her feet lest men be tempted by what they hear of the sound of her anklets, then what about uncovering the face?
O ppl of sanity Which is the greater source of attraction? a man hearing anklets of a woman whom he does not know who she is or whether she is beautiful, or whether she is young or old, pretty or not ? Or looking at a gorgeous attractive youthful face inviting him to look at it?
Now we get to the meat of it,

In this verse there is a general command from Allah to the prophet to tell his wives & his daughters & all believing women (to do hijab)

In order for us to know if the face is included !

We see how these women wore their garments after this verse
Ibn ‘Abbaas RA said explaining this verse:

“Allah commanded the believing women, if they go out of their houses for some need, to cover their faces from the top of their heads with their jilbaabs, and to leave one eye showing.”

This is the understanding of our salaf
Those who say covering faces is not a part of hijab must know Arab women before Islam were already covering their heads, So when this verse was revealed as a command to prophet's wives & daughters & all believing women, they immediately covered their faces as ibn Abbas explained
The Prophetﷺ said: “When any one of you proposes marriage to a woman, there is no sin on him if he looks at her, rather he should look at her for the purpose of proposing marriage even if she is unaware.”

Narrated by Ahmad

This is an authantic narration that indicates :
If there is no sin on the man who is proposing marriage to look at the woman, subject to the condition that his looking be for the purpose of proposing marriage. Then the one who is not proposing marriage is (sinning) if he looks at a non-mahram woman in ordinary circumstances
The prophetﷺ commanded that women should be brought out to the Eid prayer place, they said, “O Messenger of Allah, some of us do not have jilbaabs.” The Prophet said, “Let her sister give her one of her jilbaabs to wear.”

Narrated by al-Bukhari & Muslim.
The hadith indicates the usual practice among the Sahabiyaat was that a woman would not go out without a jilbab, & that if she did not have one she would not go out. The command to wear a jilbab indicates that it is essential to cover, & this was thier understanding of the verses
Aisha RA says that the prophetﷺ used to pray fajr and the believing women would attend the prayer with him, wrapped in their veils

This again shows that covering everything was the practice of the sahabiyat RA who were the best of generations & most honourable before Allah
In ihraam women don't wear niqab, but we see in this hadith that if men pass by them they still cover their faces

If it were not obligatory to observe hijab and cover the face in the presence of non-mahram, there would be no reason not to uncover it in ihraam in front of men
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said:

This is one of the things which indicate that the niqaab and gloves were known among women who were not in ihraam, which implies that they covered their faces and hands.
So based upon these evidences. It is absolutely contradictory to Islam stop women from practicing something which is a part of this religion and a duty prescribed for them from Allah.

Niqab is a part of hijab bcz hijab is not just that piece of material U throw on your head
Anyone that tries to insult the sisters who are doing what they want and what their religion says Then he is definitely insulting the women of the prophetﷺ And the women of the sahabah and rejecting a parts of this DEEN & he is enemy to it & we will not tolerate this inshallah
And to all our sister who are holding firm to the deen although the disbelievers are irritated, may Allah preserve you and protect you and reward you with the best in this life and in the hearafter, you are the flowers of this ummah & we are proud of you

& always remember this:
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