The Truth about why you can't get the Girls and Live the Life is because you still have a lot of bad memories.

You have to literally create a new personality.

A Blank Slate.


// THREAD //
1. What is the Purpose of creating you alter ego?

Note down the reasons, they can be:

• Stepping into a New Industry
• Becoming a Masculine and Polarizing Man
• Moving on from a breakup
• Carving a new personality
1) Change your environment.

You have certain set emotions from your current environment, that prevent you from changing and stepping up.

I'm talking about your location, things you wake up and sleep to, the kind of shows you watch, your friends,etc.

2) Your Friends:

Let go of your Legacy Friends- the ones you've known for years but can't relate to anymore.

They are playing a huge part in not letting you change.

Upgrade your circle- keep the kind of friends that have the same energy and principles as you.
3) Your Habits-

This should be obvious.

If you want to change, you MUST change your daily habits.

What does your Alter Ego do that you can't? What needs to be done for that to happen?

You already know these habits.

Write them down. Perform them.
4) Select a Role Model-

This could be a fictional character, an Actor, or just someone you admire and want to be like.

Some Good ones-
Tyler Durden- Carefree and Uninhibited
Hank Moody- Womanizer
James Bond- Masculine.
5) The Things you see-

This includes the people you see, the location, and most importantly- the shows and movies.

Don't watch shows that glorify weak men.

Search for your traits and pick the right ones

Change your style. Buy different kind of clothes.

Change your Hairstyle.
6) The Music you Listen to-

don't listen to the songs that remind you of your ex.

They don't exist in your Alter Ego's world.

Listen to songs that amp you up.

Different songs for different time of day.

Pick a few songs and listen to them on repeat.
7) Your Thoughts and Words.

What you think and say defines your life.

Ask yourself- what would *Your Role Model* do?

Think of better quality thoughts.

Learn new words and replace them with normal words.


"I'm good"


"I'm fantastic/ I'm sublime"
8) Preventing Relapse.

You will be tempted to go back to your old self initially.

Prevent that using an Anchor- This is something you Wear that switches your Alter Ego on and off.

Initially you will need to let out both selves, till only the Alter Ego remains.

I use a Pendant
My new course will Completely change your Thoughts, Words, and Actions.

It has all the Power Hacks you will need to Supercharge your Alter Ego Formation.

As a gesture of Respect for making it all the way here, get it at 33% OFF
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