cc: @realDonaldTrump @sendavidperdue @SenatorLoeffler @RepDougCollins

@BrianKempGA @GaSecofState

You have failed in your obligation to protect the most sacred right of the citizens of the state of GEORGIA, our VOTE.

'A republic, if you can keep it.' — Benjamin Franklin
Spending $106M of GA taxpayer money purchasing a foreign owned voting system was bad enough; failure to vet the company or social media of those implementing it gave us ANTIFA "Dr" Eric Coomer Dominion Voting Systems to rig the election . . . inexcusable.
Mass mailings permitting ballot harvesting that even Former Georgia Governor President Jimmy Carter (Carter-Baker Commission) advised against?

Truly inexplicable with the amount of time Georgians are given to vote early with ID.
Why follow ANY law?

2,506 felons voted illegally in Georgia

66,248 under age and therefore ineligible people to illegally register to vote before their 17th birthday when the law requires 17½ years old

2,423 to vote who were not listed as registered
1,043 to cast ballots who had illegally registered to vote using a using a PO Box

4,926 voted in Georgia who had registered to vote after their Georgia voter registration date thereby cancelling their Georgia voter registration

10,315 were deceased by the time of the election
395 who cast ballots in another state *illegal in both states

15,700 who had filled a national change of address with the USPS prior to November 3rd 2020
40,279 had moved across county lines at least 30 days prior to election day who had failed to properly re-register to vote in their new county after moving also in violation of Georgia law.

So yes @GabrielSterling KNEW massive fraud existed.
If the law means nothing no one should ever follow another law in this state again. Only the corrupt claim there is no evidence.

The only thing transparent about our election was that it was planned and coordinated.

We should have monitors in this state to verify EVERY signature @KerriKupecDOJ and supervise the counting. if you people can't enforce the laws? Then the government has no right to exist any longer.
You have disenfranchised every Georgian and therefore the country through your actions and made us the laughingstock of the nation. If you don't correct this you'll inform every person we are no longer a nation of laws and those who fought and died to protect it — died in vain.
The courts have a role to play but under the United States Constitution under Article I, Article, II and Amendment 12 coupled with federal guidelines that govern this issue has the absolute right to reject the submitted electoral college votes of any state
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